Preferred document & picture formats

To provide a uniform platform for users of the site it is preferred that word processed documents are forwarded in Text format (*.txt) or Rich Text Format (*.rtf).   Word 6.0 is generally also acceptable (or is at least translatable) but many other word processing formats, particularly those generated by non-IBM platforms will cause translation problems.   We will do our best to provide an accurate translation of documents, but cannot guarantee results.

Graphics formats are bit easier but please be aware of the file size.   It's often better to sacrifice a bit of colour depth or resolution to get a managable file size so that upload/download and display times are kept within a reasonable limit.   A 256 colour photo at 640x480  resolution is far less demanding on the system than a similar looking 16 million colour 800x600 version.
In general try to keep the picture file size down to less than 1 megabyte.   If you cannot I may need to manipulate it a little myself to make it fit the Web space.